Thursday 24 January 2013

Got a 3DS XL

In exactly 3 months after I posted on my blog about wanting to get a 3DS, I finally got one today!!

Now this is just a quick post.

I have not gotten myself any new 3DS games yet. I plan to get Fire Emblem: Awakening when it's out, and my friend is giving me his Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. So I'm just gonna play my DS games for now.

Also, my journey of getting every single Pokemon begins now.

With Pokemon X and Y announced for an international release this October, I decided that I need to get as many Pokemon as I can transferred to my Black 2 game. Then, when Pokemon X and Y do come out (I'm gonna get Y, by the way), with the help of my best friend (who's gonna get X), we're gonna transfer all those Pokemon into the Sixth Generation.

I know, it's a pretty ambitious project that might take a long while since Pokemons like Mew and Celebi are event only Pokemon, but I'm still gonna try. And when I do, I'll show you the results!

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