Sunday 16 December 2012

Achievement Unlocked: Eat/Drink at a Maid Cafe

I always wanted to visit Japan. There's many places in Japan that I personally would like to see for myself. Like the Statue of Hachiko at Shibuya, Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Tower, and Evangelion World which is located near Mt.Fuji, I always wanted to eat/drink at a maid cafe.

Maybe it's because I'm into Japanese pop culture, or that some girls when dressed in frilly French Maid costumes look really cute/hot. Or maybe it's just my urge to know how it feels like to be in one of these cafes.

Then one day, I went to a mall that I don't go too often (maybe once a month or two months), and I notice a pink-coloured restaurant. Normally, I would dismiss it and look somewhere else because I was expecting a girly-themed, fairy tale (maybe?) shop of some sort. But upon closer inspection, I realised that it was a maid cafe.

Back then, I didn't really wanted to visit a maid cafe. But some months has passed, and my taste has changed. However there was a problem. The fact that I don't really go to the mall that much and that when I do, I don't normally eat/drink there means that I won't be eating/drinking there. So I waited for a perfect opportunity.

There was an anime convention coming up (this was around June of this year). One of the highlights of the convention (other than the performances by J-Pop singers) were a mini Maid Cafe and Butler Cafe. So I wanted to go in and try it. However, the queue was long and I didn't have the patience. Plus, I'm going there alone and that, to me was a pretty awkward situation for a first timer going into a place like this.

Then today, I happen to be at the mall where the maid cafe was at. And this time, I got a friend with me who was interested in going into the cafe but is embarrassed to do it alone. So together as bros, we went in the cafe and have a drink.

It was an interesting experience. While the girls were pretty cute, I wish that they wore a black maid outfit instead of a pink one (just my personal preference cuz I think black is an awesome colour) even though the whole theme of the cafe is pink. There were some rules and regulations stated on the menu itself for the customers (like no groping the maids, no outside food, harassing one of the maids, asking for the maid's handphone/email/facebook etc.).

Another thing stated in the menu is that you can play a game on the PS3 there (and ask one of the maids to play with you! But you have to pay them, of course). Also, you could also ask them to feed you (as ridiculous as it sounds), but you have to pay for their service. Finally, you could also take a picture with a maid of your choice. Again you have to pay them.

We weren't there for all those. We just went in, had a coffee drink and left the place (oh, there's a rule saying that you can't stay in there for more than two hours). If there's one thing I regret not doing is that I didn't take a picture with one of the maids. Yeah, one of them was really cute in my opinion. Too bad I just wasted it.

Anyways, the whole experience at the maid cafe made my day. It was a rather shitty one at first. I couldn't get a 3DS, stores in the malls are closing, arcade cabinets not working. It all went better when we went into the maid cafe.

Yeah, good day.

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