Wednesday 12 December 2012

Back in Malaysia

Yeah, I have not posted much in a while. Mostly because there's nothing good to post in one post. instead, I'll do a summary of the stuff that happened in the past few days:

I went to Singapore to visit my friend and to just walk around there. I went to one of their libraries which was pretty awesome as they have a lot of artbooks for Capcom games like the Megaman classic, Megaman X, and Street Fighter series.

I also went to this beautiful place called Gardens by the Bay, which is near Marina Bay Sands. It's a really cooling place that showcases many different plant species, some even from Africa and Australia, and you can find it all in one dome. It's a great place to see plants and all it's various types without getting hot and sweaty like you normally would if you go into a forest or a jungle. Also, there's a really cool looking man-made waterfall in there, something that you should check out.

The Street Fighter 25th Anniversary World Finals just ended. Hoping that Daigo would win SSFIV:AE ver.2012, but he got second to EVO 2012 winner Infiltration, who also won Street Fighter X Tekken, meaning that this dude won 50,000 USD and a sports car! Also, I knew from the very beginning that MOV would win 3rd Strike, and I was right. He was also saying that they should ban his Chun-Li for being too overpowered. So during the grand finals, he used Ken instead. But he gave an absolute dominating performance even with Ken and took the title.

In other news, a free game from Capcom called Megaman X Street Fighter will be released on the 17th December for the PC. While this game is fan-made in the beginning, the creator of the game showed his idea and his current progress to one of the Capcom guys during EVO 2012, and he liked it. Long story short, Capcom funded the guy whatever he needed to continue the game, and did the advertising themselves, and of course, selling the game for free, which is a rarity for Capcom. Not that I'm complaining.

Also, did anyone watched the finale of The Amazing Race 21? It was so epic. The goat farmers, which is a team who have not gotten a position higher than 4th place before there were 4 teams left, and did not get above 3rd place when there were 3 teams left won the whole thing when they were able to complete the memory task faster than the other 2 teams.
 Allow me to explain a bit. Since season 9, there is a pattern in most final legs of the race where teams will need to do a memory task, which is based on the things they encountered during the race. This season's memory task was a tough one. Whenever the teams reached a pit stop they are greeted 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' by the greeter in the language of the country they're in. The final task was to place in correct order the phrase 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' in the correct language of the country.
Most teams would have recorded what they've done, where they went. But no one took note of the greeters greetings when they reach the pit stop. Adding to the fact that the task is quite physical, and you see teams stuck in this task for two and a half hours and still not completing the task.
But in the end, the farmers, who were last or close to last almost every leg, end up winning the grand prize. The ultimate underdogs, and proof that anyone in the top 3 can win the race.

Anyways, that's all for today.

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