Thursday 20 December 2012

The truth of how the next few days will be like on Facebook.

Over the past few days and the next few days till new years day we will experience the most typical of posts on Facebook by some of our friends, strangers, and even family. I find it pretty annoying and amusing. Annoying because we'll be seeing a lot of it at one shot for a day. Amusing because you wouldn't believe how many people you know will post the exact same thing as another person you know.

So, the day before yesterday, on the 19th December, I'm pretty sure you see a lot of 'We should watch the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" since the day after tomorrow is 21/12/2012'. I got a lot of those. To me, I think it's a pretty good idea to actually watch the movie, and not just post it and not watch it. The movie is actually a great teaching tool in my opinion. It shows you the potential disaster that could happen, and maybe teach a thing or two on how to solve the main problem the earth is facing at the moment - global warming.

Moving on to yesterday, or 20th December, we see a lot of 'Happy 20122012' or even a suggestion to watch the movie '2012'. I find people who find 20122012 to be a special day pretty dumb. I mean, every day is special in some way, and we're the only people who will be alive on 5th May 2012 or some random date right? So what so special about that? It's just that people in the future can't live with us unless they have a time machine or something. I really wanted to watch '2012' yesterday, I just don't have the DVD for the movie in my house, so I went on and beat Street Fighter X Mega Man.

Then today, 21/12/2012. Seeing posts right now like 'Woke up, still alive!' and 'We're survivors!!'. It's just idiotic. If the world DID end today, it wouldn't be at 4 a.m. in the morning would it? The time for doomsday to come is not stated in terms of what time it is, just the date. Not that I think the world would end today, that's just the equivalent of giving up in life. Also, I dunno about you, but I just find it weird that people DO believe in the 'world is gonna end today' shit. But I hope that they will not be any more 21/12/2012 posts. We now travel a few days later to....

24th and 25th December, Xmas eve and Xmas day itself. Aside from the festive greetings (which I don't find annoying at all), I'm sure there's gonna be people out there (most notably kids or immature people) who isn't satisfied by the Xmas present their parents bought for them. It's just things like these that made you think 'How could a child behave like that?' and even 'How could the parents let the child treat them like that?'. The thing is, parents do need to give their child tough love every once in a while, or the child will become a spoiled brat. Russell Peters (a really famous comedian) was right, parents should beat their kids (of course he meant physically punishing them like caning, not just sending them to their room).

And then, 31/12/2012 arrives and people will be celebrating the new years eve. I think this day isn't the worse among all the days. If you're lucky, someone may just post something about recapping the events of this year, which I find rather informative if someone were to do so. Finally, it's 1/1/2013 and the whole internet is flooded with 'Happy New Year' posts everywhere. People will also be posting about their new years resolution. Another not so annoying day I think.

Anyways, I wouldn't be doing some sort of obligatory 'Merry Xmas' or even a 'Happy New Year' post since I don't find any of the days significant other than the fact that you give/get gifts on Xmas and a new year begins on 1/1/2013. However, I might do a recap of the things that I remember happened on this very year.

I guess have a good Xmas weekend. I'm gonna attend a convention called Comic Fiesta this weekend, and hopefully get my picture taken with some cosplayers.

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