Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Year

So, I was not posting stuff for almost half a month, but that's because a lot of stuff happened.

I went to an anime convention to compete in their Pokemon tournament, didn't make it past the first round (even though I believe I can do so) but I was there just to battle for fun, so there's that.

I plan to make a double battle team next, and I've breed several new Pokemons since the last post.

Then I went on holiday for Christmas and had a Pokemon hiatus since there isn't any internet. I went on and finished Ocarina of Time's Master Quest. The puzzles were more challenging (with the exception of the Water Temple, which was a lot more easier), and it was rather satisfying for me to have completed this game.

I was going to start breeding for my Double battle team after that, but then I went to Skytrex (some outdoor adventure thing) with my cousins and a friend and I had an awesome time there. Then I saw my friend playing his Shin Megami Tensei IV on the way back home, and that made me continue playing my SMT IV (I stopped playing the game after Pokemon X came out). Continuing from where I left off, I aimed to get the Neutral ending, and I was able to do so in the end, which was quite satisfying to me. I continued playing on the neutral pathway until I defeated both final bosses and the credits rolled yesterday. So now I can start breeding my team for good.

The last Pokemon I bred before the new year was a Slowpoke with Oblivious as her ability. She will be my Trick Roomer, since I plan to make a slow team for Double battling, which will become a fast team once Trick Room activates. It's very hard to coin a nickname for Slowpoke since I wanted to make a nickname based on the Slowpoke meme and that I can only put 12 letters into the name. In the end, my friend came up with 'OMG2NewTypes', which refers to X and Y having a new Fairy type but Slowpoke being slow only caught up to Johto's two new types (Dark and Steel).

Anyways, so yeah, 2014, a year whereby each day of each date matches that of 2003. Why is this so significant to me? Because I had this as a present in 2003 but I was too young to appreciate such an awesome thing.

It's a Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Datebook for the year 2003. I didn't really received this in the beginning of the year, and I never really use it for the rest of the year, so it was kind of a huge waste. But I decided when the time comes where the day and date for that year matches that of 2003, I can use this book to the fullest. 

The world has change quite a lot since 2003. With smartphones and tablets, you might wonder if I have use for this book. And the answer is... yes. I can still keep track of my assignments and notes from lectures (as in additional stuff that they don't mention on the lecture slides), so this book may still come in handy in this day and age. Typing stuff (especially important notes) on your tablet/smartphone quickly takes up way too much time in my opinion, so I prefer writing stuff down the old school way. 

2013 was an awesome/awful year. On one end, I get to play a lot of awesome 3DS games and made a whole lot of new friends with it (which is why I absolutely love their Streetpass feature). On the other end, my grades are slipping due to the immense trolling and ridiculously strict marking scheme of exams. Here's hoping 2014 will be a better year. 

Thursday 12 December 2013

End of the year round-up: The 5 Best 3DS games I've played this year.

So 2013 has been an amazing year for the Nintendo handheld. While it has its shares of ups and downs in the past, it has become one of the must-own consoles of this year with so many games coming out.

While I do admit that I'm a rather picky gamer and I don't play everything that came out this year, I did play more than 10 3DS games since I got the console at January and it has been a really amazing experience. I knew that the 3DS will deliver but it delivered exceptionally well.

For this Top 5 I'm counting down the 5 best 3DS games I've played this year. The only rules are that they have to be 3DS or 3DS eShop titles (I don't consider Virtual Console titles in this list). Games on this list may include 3DS games from previous years as this is a list of best 3DS games I've played this year, not those that came out this year. Also, this is my personal opinion so you can't argue with that. Another thing, this list will not include games that I've played but yet to complete (which is only 2 games, SMTIV and Kingdom Hearts 3D).

But before we list the Top 5, here are the honourable mentions;

Project X Zone: Awesome game with nice fanservice (in the form of gratuitous fanservice and character cameo fanservice). A good strategy game with non-luck based combat mechanics, not making the list for having extremely repetitive gameplay and a lack of a story.

Virtue's Last Reward: This game has one of the best stories in a game out there, and it has some really nice puzzles, tidbits of information and a really nice soundtrack that complements the atmosphere. Too bad it's not as good as its prequel 999 (in my opinion).

Animal Crossing: New Leaf: One of the most addictive social games out there, and a game I find myself playing at least an hour a day everyday since it's release. However, this game requires long term commitment, and so this game lost most of it's hype today with many AC communities from where I'm from dying out as members of the community has left to play other games (myself included).

So begins the Top 5 games that I played this year!

5. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Like the Metal Gear series, the Legend of Zelda series has always been a series that I'm fully aware of for being critically acclaim and has been a series that I've always wanted to try but never did. For this year, I did tried both series. While I enjoyed MGS3D, the port isn't very good. 
Ocarina of Time 3D, however is a better port. Menus load faster and several problems from the older game (like the confusing Water Temple) has been addressed in this game. While you can say it does make this game easier than the N64 version, this version also comes with the Master Quest, which makes each dungeon harder (with the exception of the Water Temple, which was ironically easier). 
Also, this game comes with better graphics, which is always a plus. 

4. Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds

Another Zelda title (surprise, surprise), only this time, it isn't a port. Link Between Worlds, while resembling Link to the Past (which I've not played), does things differently than most Zelda games. When I play the game I felt lost, and I have no idea where to go (that's a good thing, by the way).
This game encourages you to explore as dungeons can be completed 'in any order'. It's not entirely true for the first three levels (which I consider an exception) and the Desert level, which requires the use of an item that can only be obtained after completing the Thieves Hideout level. Still, it's okay (just a minor nitpick). I bumped into several dungeons on my journey, playing one dungeon halfway and dying, then went to complete another dungeon before returning to that first dungeon.
The use of rental items allows one to explore the same dungeon in different ways. While it's quite obvious that there will be 'that one item' that will help you complete the dungeon, you can actually complete certain puzzles or obtain other extra items by using other items you have, which promotes experimenting (and that's good). 
Overall, this game is pretty amazing for not hand holding you all the way. While there are times where I have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm suppose to go, the game is kind enough to subtly lead me to the next place. 

3. Fire Emblem: Awakening

I have a very hard time deciding who to place on 3rd and 2nd place. Ultimately, Fire Emblem got 3rd place because while it is an extremely entertaining game, it lacks a lot of the turn-based strategy elements the game was famous (and infamous) for. 
Sure, the game had the marriage system that FE 4 had, and the inheritance system as well, but the game doesn't have the strategic depth of older FE games, and there were several skills considered to be broken too. And the story isn't that great (don't let it fool you, it's not good). 
Now I might sound like I'm ranting on the game even though this game is placed at 3rd place, but this game was, for a long time, the only game I consistently play on a daily basis for months. The music is amazing, the support conversations are hilarious, and some of the DLC chapters are pretty darn good. There's tons of fanservice (less gratuitous, more character cameo), and some of the DLC artwork of older characters are pretty awesome (and some are not...).
The only reason why I could find so many flaws in this game is because I've sank in a lot of play time in this game (and that I've beaten the game 3 times already). But even as grumpy as I sound typing this like a rant, I could still remember the time when I first got the game in February and enjoyed the crap out of this game, and how I loved every moment of the game. 

2. Pokemon X (and Y)

Beating Fire Emblem: Awakening slightly is Pokemon X and Y, my current time-sinking game. I usually do not care at all for competitive battling. But this game made me enter this realm of battling, and make normal Pokemon battles seem like child's play. 
I love a lot of the new features of the game. Super Training is nice, Pokemon Amie is awesome, and PSS is one of the best things they've ever made. Also, Mega Pokemon, as well as the new Fairy typing makes old Pokemon relevant again. Some of the Mega Evolutions are hit and miss however, and some Pokemon who received Mega forms didn't really need it in the first place (like Scizor, Tyranitar, and Blaziken). 
The main story is unfortunately, a step-back from last gen, and none of the rivals have any traits that make them likable (at least to me). Also the change in Pokemon cries are nice for some, but not for others (most notably Staraptor and Musharna, I liked their older cries). 
Despite all that, Pokemon X and Y did one thing right, and that is it made me feel like a Pokemon trainer. The movements of each Pokemon are really nice, and since breeding is easier in this game, I was able to breed my team and use them to battle strangers around the world, and it feels great. I feel like a trainer telling my Pokemon what to do in order to get the strategical advantage over my opponents. 
Also, Pokemon is my childhood. And seeing it getting more and more awesome and also being a game which is much more well accepted by older fans (or Genwunners) is a really nice moment. 

So, what could beat the four games I stated above? It's none other than....

1. Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies

By far, the best game I've played this year. Everything about this game seems right in my opinion. The 3D models looked way better than I expected, with characters (ranging from witnesses to the main crew) looking amazing and move so fluid with the models. 
The story is also a step in the right direction. And the pacing of the game is good (cases never felt too short or too long). Not only that, each main lead got some rather equal screen time, and they also get some good character development (especially Apollo Justice, who went from an unlikable plain character in his game to one of the most popular characters of the series). Oh, and the dialogue is awesome, it's hilarious and sometimes full of pop-culture references. 
Each case is quite good in my opinion, with Case 2 being the weakest (but it isn't that bad), and Case 3, 5, and the DLC case being my favourites of the game. This game is easily the Top 3 best Ace Attorney games of all time (Trials and Tribulations is still first though, nothing can top that, yet..). For such a top quality game, it is definitely worth the eShop credit. 
With such a story driven game, I couldn't really find a plot hole, which is nice. While I do wish the plot points of Apollo Justice be addressed in this game, I do hope that it will in the next. And when it does happen, prepare to see Trials and Tribulations' new contender for best Ace Attorney game.

So there you have it, the best 3DS games I've played this year. Next, I guess I'll make some other top 5 list.